Annual Open Meeting


The annual and open meeting for all BRCFC teams takes place at 6.30pm on Tuesday 16th July in the Blairgowrie Town Hall.


Every team is required to have in attendance a representative of theirindividual team who will have theauthority to cast a Vote on any matters arising such as below.


Every Team is allowed One vote on any single matter.


A new structure is being put in place to operate the development and the day-to-day administration of the BRCFC Football Division.


The existing members of the Subcommittee will stand down and like everyone else in the club or out with are available forelection to this new Section Committee


The main roles initially will be as follows:

Section Head, CPO, General Secretary,Treasurer, PVG Officer, Minutes Secretary, 

Girls Representative/Registrations, Boys Representative/Registrations, Equipment


Nominations and seconders for these posts can be lodged prior to the meeting with GavinTolmie,Sandy

Thomson by Monday the 15thJuly at the latest.

All positions are open to anyone with

an interest in moving the Club forward


Like all other Community Trusts/Clubs

Volunteers are an essential and vital part of them and its at these meetings that every member can learn at first

hand the Plans for its Future

Please find time to attend.

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